Gisela Shaw | |||||
WORKS PUBLISHED BEFORE 1990 INCLUDE: Book: Book translations into German: Book translation into English PUBLICATIONS SINCE 1990: Books: Edited books: Articles and book chapters: Hans Joachim Schädlich: Versuchter Zugang, GDR Monitor, autumn 1990, 83-96 Christoph Hein: The Novelist as Dramatist Manqué, in Arthur Williams et al. (eds), Literature on the Threshold. The German Novel in the 1980s, Berg, 1990, 91-105 Kast resurrectus: Volker Braun's 'Bodenloser Satz', in Arthur Williams et al (eds), German Literature at a Time of Change 1989-1990, Peter Lang, 1992, 85-96 Volker Braun und seine Gewährsmänner: Von der Solidarität der verhinderten Revolutionäre, in Axel Goodbody and Dennis Tate (eds.), 'Geist und Macht': Intellectuals and the State in the G.D.R., German Monitor, Amsterdam, 1992, 193-203 Über die problemreiche Beziehung zwischen Recht und Macht in Deutschland, dargestellt am Beispiel des Juristenstandes, German Life and Letters, 3/46, 1993, 277-290 Creating an independent judiciary: one aspect of German unification, Politics and Society in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, No. 5, 1993, 1-17 East German 'Rechtsanwälte` and German Unification, German Life and Letters, 2/47, 1994, 211-231 Juristinnen in den neuen Bundesländern, Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie, 2/1994, 191-207 Courts and Judges in the new federal states in united Germany: has legal unification worked?, Svensk Juristtidning, Vol. 80, 1995, 32-44 Die deutschen Rechtsanwälte - eine Profession im Umbruch?, H.J. Hahn (ed), Germany in the 1990s, German Monitor, Amsterdam, 1995, 179-190 Women Lawyers in the new federal states of Germany: winners or losers?, European Urban and Regional Studies, 3/3, 1996, 257-262 Die Zeit für den Schlußstrich? - oder: die 'dritte Schuld`? Die Debatte um die Amnestie für SED-Unrecht, German Life and Letters, 1/50, 1997, 103-126 Window of opportunity or flash in the pan? Women notaries in the new federal states of Germany, German Life and Letters, 4/50, 1997, 557-573; also in Margaret Littler (ed), Gendering German Studies. New Perspectives on German Literature and Culture, Blackwell, 1997, 179-195 Of sitting tenants and 'Gastarbeiter`: the study of the professions as a case of 'limited interdisciplinarity`, Journal of Area Studies, 11/1997, 104-119 Einar Schleefs 'Gertrud` als 'episches Werk`, in R Atkind and M Kane (eds), Retrospect and Review. Aspects of the Literature of the GDR 1976-1990, Rodopi, 1997, 278-291 Settling accounts with history: Germany’s difficulties in dealing with political crime committed in the German Democratic Republic, Svensk Juristtidning, 83/1998, 444-463 Notaries in England and Wales: modernising a profession frozen in time, International Journal of the Legal Profession, 2/7, 2000, 141-155 ’Keine Macht, aber Spielraum’: Brigitte Burmeisters Roman Unter dem Namen Norma, in C. Flanagan and S. Taberner (eds), 1949/1989. Cultural Perspectives on Division and Unity in East and West, Rodopi, 2000 ‘Keine Chance, mich auf Distanz zu halten: Ruth Rehmann, the Reluctant Autobiographer’, in M P Davies, B Linklater, G Shaw (eds), Autobiography by Women in German, Peter Lang, 2000, 213-227 Theodor Gottlieb von Hippel (1741-1796) als Wegbereiter der Frauenbewegung in Deutschland: ‘Lachender Philosoph’ oder ‘Prophet’?, German Life and Letters, 4/54, 2001, 273-290 Schriftstellerinnen und die deutsche Einheit: Leben ohne Utopie, Frauenvorträge an der FernUniversität 39, Hagen, 2002 ( Women Lawyers in the New Federal States of Germany, in U. Schultz and G. Shaw (eds), Women in the World’s Legal Professions, Hart, 2003, 323-339 Rechtsschutz von Frauen für Frauen: ein kühnes Projekt der ersten deutschen Frauenbewegung, in Ministerium Gesundheit, Soziales, Frauen und Familie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (ed), Frauen und Recht. Reader, Basis-Druck, 2003, 76—81 The German Notariat and the European Challenge, International Journal of the Legal Profession, 1/10, 2003, 37-54 Conflicting agendas: the first female jurists in Germany, International Journal of the Legal Profession, 2/10, 2003, 177-191 ‘(…) ein tausendjähriges Unrecht wieder gut machen’: Women and the German Civil Code, in W J Jones, W A Kelly and F Shaw (eds), ‘Vir ingenio mirandus. Studies presented to John L Flood, vol. II, Kümmerle Verlag, 2003, 1039-1053 Living without Utopia: Four Women Writers’ Responses to the Demise of the GDR, in W. Niven and J. Jordan (eds), Politics and Culture in Twentieth-Century Germany, Camden House, 2003, 163-183 German Lawyers and Globalisation, German Life and Letters, 2/58, 2005, 211-225 Notaries in Central Europe: Transformation as Reprofessionalisation, Notarius International, vol. 9, 3-4/2004, 136-152 Hedwig Dohm (1831-1919). Frauenrechtlerin und Schriftstellerin: ‘.. und so war sie die geworden, die sie eben war’, in Ulrike Schultz (ed.), Frauenbilder. Reader, Düsseldorf, 2005, 16-22 ( La solidarité interprofessionnelle pèsera dans la balance, interview with Paroles d’experts. Le Magazine des Experts-Comptables de Rhne-Alpes, no. 36, June 2006, 18-19 Notariat in Europe. Eine Zwischenbilanz oder: eine lange Geschichte ohne Ende?, Zeitschrift für die NotarPraxis, 1/2006, 8-18 Notaries in England and Wales: what future in a climate of globalisation?, Notarius International, 1-2/2006, 38-58; access (in English, French and Spanish) at Notaires in France - an unassailable profession? Or are they?, International Journal of the Legal Profession, 3/13, 2006, 243-271 Les professions libérales ne sont pas des entreprises comme les autres: une perspective sociohistorique/socioculturelle / The Liberal Professions - A Very Special Type of “Undertaking”: a socio-historical/socio-cultural perspective, in: Conseil régional Rhône-Alpes de l’Ordre des experts comptables (ed.), Le marché européen: un enjeu pour les professions libérales. The European Market: an issue for the European professions, Lamy, 2007, 97-116; access at (go to ‘Publications de l’Ordre’, then ‘Documents’); English version also in: Droit et Patrimoine, no. 153, November 2006, 52-58 Civil Law Notaries and the Challenge of Liberalisation: the case of France, in Fred Bruinsma and David Nelken (eds), Explorations in Legal Culture, special issue of Recht der Werkelijkheid, 2007, 95-112 Les notaires: une profession entre Etat et Marché, in Le Droit et l’Economie, 38e Congrès Mouvement Jeune Notariat, San Francisco, 18-24 novembre 2007, 158-180, Return to Europe - A double-edged sword for notaries? The case of Poland and Hungary, Communist and Post-Communist Studies 42 (2009), 395-422 ( Notaries in Central Europe: from state employment to professional independence - a rocky path, in Alberto Febbrajo and Wojciech Sadurski (eds), Central and Eastern Europe after Transition. Towards a New Socio-Legal Semantics, Ashgate, 2010, 255-75 ommitted in the German Democratic Republic, Svensk Juristtidning, 83/1998, 444-463 Notaries in England and Wales: modernising a profession frozen in time, International Journal of the Legal Profession, 2/7, 2000, 141-155 ’Keine Macht, aber Spielraum’: Brigitte Burmeisters Roman Unter dem Namen Norma, in C. Flanagan and S. Taberner (eds), 1949/1989. Cultural Perspectives on Division and Unity in East and West, Rodopi, 2000 ‘Keine Chance, mich auf Distanz zu halten: Ruth Rehmann, the Reluctant Autobiographer’, in M P Davies, B Linklater, G Shaw (eds), Autobiography by Women in German, Peter Lang, 2000, 213-227 Theodor Gottlieb von Hippel (1741-1796) als Wegbereiter der Frauenbewegung in Deutschland: ‘Lachender Philosoph’ oder ‘Prophet’?, German Life and Letters, 4/54, 2001, 273-290 Schriftstellerinnen und die deutsche Einheit: Leben ohne Utopie, Frauenvorträge an der FernUniversität 39, Hagen, 2002 ( Women Lawyers in the New Federal States of Germany, in U. Schultz and G. Shaw (eds), Women in the World’s Legal Professions, Hart, 2003, 323-339 Rechtsschutz von Frauen für Frauen: ein kühnes Projekt der ersten deutschen Frauenbewegung, in Ministerium Gesundheit, Soziales, Frauen und Familie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (ed), Frauen und Recht. Reader, Basis-Druck, 2003, 76—81 The German Notariat and the European Challenge, International Journal of the Legal Profession, 1/10, 2003, 37-54 Conflicting agendas: the first female jurists in Germany, International Journal of the Legal Profession, 2/10, 2003, 177-191 ‘(…) ein tausendjähriges Unrecht wieder gut machen’: Women and the German Civil Code, in W J Jones, W A Kelly and F Shaw (eds), ‘Vir ingenio mirandus. Studies presented to John L Flood, vol. II, Kümmerle Verlag, 2003, 1039-1053 Living without Utopia: Four Women Writers’ Responses to the Demise of the GDR, in W. Niven and J. Jordan (eds), Politics and Culture in Twentieth-Century Germany, Camden House, 2003, 163-183 German Lawyers and Globalisation, German Life and Letters, 2/58, 2005, 211-225 Notaries in Central Europe: Transformation as Reprofessionalisation, Notarius International, vol. 9, 3-4/2004, 136-152 Hedwig Dohm (1831-1919). Frauenrechtlerin und Schriftstellerin: ‘.. und so war sie die geworden, die sie eben war’, in Ulrike Schultz (ed.), Frauenbilder. Reader, Düsseldorf, 2005, 16-22 ( La solidarité interprofessionnelle pèsera dans la balance, interview with Paroles d’experts. Le Magazine des Experts-Comptables de Rhne-Alpes, no. 36, June 2006, 18-19 Notariat in Europe. Eine Zwischenbilanz oder: eine lange Geschichte ohne Ende?, Zeitschrift für die NotarPraxis, 1/2006, 8-18 Notaries in England and Wales: what future in a climate of globalisation?, Notarius International, 1-2/2006, 38-58; access (in English, French and Spanish) at Notaires in France - an unassailable profession? Or are they?, International Journal of the Legal Profession, 3/13, 2006, 243-271 Les professions libérales ne sont pas des entreprises comme les autres: une perspective sociohistorique/socioculturelle / The Liberal Professions - A Very Special Type of “Undertaking”: a socio-historical/socio-cultural perspective, in: Conseil régional Rhône-Alpes de l’Ordre des experts comptables (ed.), Le marché européen: un enjeu pour les professions libérales. The European Market: an issue for the European professions, Lamy, 2007, 97-116; access at (go to ‘Publications de l’Ordre’, then ‘Documents’); English version also in: Droit et Patrimoine, no. 153, November 2006, 52-58 Civil Law Notaries and the Challenge of Liberalisation: the case of France, in Fred Bruinsma and David Nelken (eds), Explorations in Legal Culture, special issue of Recht der Werkelijkheid, 2007, 95-112 Les notaires: une profession entre Etat et Marché, in Le Droit et l’Economie, 38e Congrès Mouvement Jeune Notariat, San Francisco, 18-24 novembre 2007, 158-180, Return to Europe - A double-edged sword for notaries? The case of Poland and Hungary, Communist and Post-Communist Studies 42 (2009), 395-422 ( Notaries in Central Europe: from state employment to professional independence - a rocky path, in Alberto Febbrajo and Wojciech Sadurski (eds), Central and Eastern Europe after Transition. Towards a New Socio-Legal Semantics, Ashgate, 2010, 255-75 Notarinnen in der DDR, Zeitschrift des Deutschen Juristinnenbundes, 15 (2012), 3-9