Gisela Shaw




Das Problem des Dinges an sich in der englischen Kantinterpretation, Kantstudien no. 97, Bouvier, 1969

Book translations into German:
Stephan Körner, What is Philosophy?, Penguin Press, 1969
K. T. Fann, Wittgenstein's Conception of Philosophy, Basil Blackwell, 1969
Noel Minnis, Linguistics at Large, Victor Gollancz, 1971
John Sallis, The Gathering of Reason, Ohio University Press, 1980

Book translation into English
Hans Reiss, Kants politisches Denken, Peter Lang, 1977


Deutsche Juristen im Gespräch, Klett, 1994
Pocket Dictionary of Business German, Hodder & Stoughton, 1995

Edited books:
(with M P Davies and B Linklater), Autobiography by Women in German, Peter Lang, 2000
(with U Schultz), Women in the World’s Legal Professions, Hart, 2003
(with U Schultz), Women and Judging, Hart, 2013

Articles and book chapters:

Hans Joachim Schädlich: Versuchter Zugang, GDR Monitor, autumn 1990, 83-96

Christoph Hein: The Novelist as Dramatist Manqué, in Arthur Williams et al. (eds), Literature on the Threshold. The German Novel in the 1980s, Berg, 1990, 91-105

Kast resurrectus: Volker Braun's 'Bodenloser Satz', in Arthur Williams et al (eds), German Literature at a Time of Change 1989-1990, Peter Lang, 1992, 85-96

Volker Braun und seine Gewährsmänner: Von der Solidarität der verhinderten Revolutionäre, in Axel Goodbody and Dennis Tate (eds.), 'Geist und Macht': Intellectuals and the State in the G.D.R., German Monitor, Amsterdam, 1992, 193-203

Über die problemreiche Beziehung zwischen Recht und Macht in Deutschland, dargestellt am Beispiel des Juristenstandes, German Life and Letters, 3/46, 1993, 277-290

Creating an independent judiciary: one aspect of German unification, Politics and Society in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, No. 5, 1993, 1-17

East German 'Rechtsanwälte` and German Unification, German Life and Letters, 2/47, 1994, 211-231

Juristinnen in den neuen Bundesländern, Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie, 2/1994, 191-207

Courts and Judges in the new federal states in united Germany: has legal unification worked?, Svensk Juristtidning, Vol. 80, 1995, 32-44

Die deutschen Rechtsanwälte - eine Profession im Umbruch?, H.J. Hahn (ed), Germany in the 1990s, German Monitor, Amsterdam, 1995, 179-190 

Women Lawyers in the new federal states of Germany: winners or losers?, European Urban and Regional Studies, 3/3, 1996, 257-262

Die Zeit für den Schlußstrich? - oder: die 'dritte Schuld`? Die Debatte um die Amnestie für SED-Unrecht, German Life and Letters, 1/50, 1997, 103-126

Window of opportunity or flash in the pan? Women notaries in the new federal states of Germany, German Life and Letters, 4/50, 1997, 557-573; also in Margaret Littler (ed), Gendering German Studies. New Perspectives on German Literature and Culture, Blackwell, 1997, 179-195

Of sitting tenants and 'Gastarbeiter`: the study of the professions as a case of 'limited interdisciplinarity`, Journal of Area Studies, 11/1997, 104-119

Einar Schleefs 'Gertrud` als 'episches Werk`, in R Atkind and M Kane (eds), Retrospect and Review. Aspects of the Literature of the GDR 1976-1990, Rodopi, 1997, 278-291

Settling accounts with history: Germany’s difficulties in dealing with political crime committed in the German Democratic Republic, Svensk Juristtidning, 83/1998, 444-463

Notaries in England and Wales: modernising a profession frozen in time, International Journal of the Legal Profession, 2/7, 2000, 141-155

’Keine Macht, aber Spielraum’: Brigitte Burmeisters Roman Unter dem Namen Norma, in C. Flanagan and S. Taberner (eds), 1949/1989. Cultural Perspectives on Division and Unity in East and West, Rodopi, 2000

‘Keine Chance, mich auf Distanz zu halten: Ruth Rehmann, the Reluctant Autobiographer’, in M P Davies, B Linklater, G Shaw (eds), Autobiography by Women in German, Peter Lang, 2000, 213-227

Theodor Gottlieb von Hippel (1741-1796) als Wegbereiter der Frauenbewegung in Deutschland: ‘Lachender Philosoph’ oder ‘Prophet’?, German Life and Letters, 4/54, 2001, 273-290

Schriftstellerinnen und die deutsche Einheit: Leben ohne Utopie, Frauenvorträge an der FernUniversität 39, Hagen, 2002 (

Women Lawyers in the New Federal States of Germany, in U. Schultz and G. Shaw (eds), Women in the World’s Legal Professions, Hart, 2003, 323-339

Rechtsschutz von Frauen für Frauen: ein kühnes Projekt der ersten deutschen Frauenbewegung, in Ministerium Gesundheit, Soziales, Frauen und Familie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (ed), Frauen und Recht. Reader, Basis-Druck, 2003, 76—81

The German Notariat and the European Challenge, International Journal of the Legal Profession, 1/10, 2003, 37-54

Conflicting agendas: the first female jurists in Germany, International Journal of the Legal Profession, 2/10, 2003, 177-191

‘(…) ein tausendjähriges Unrecht wieder gut machen’: Women and the German Civil Code, in W J Jones, W A Kelly and F Shaw (eds), ‘Vir ingenio mirandus. Studies presented to John L Flood, vol. II, Kümmerle Verlag, 2003, 1039-1053

Living without Utopia: Four Women Writers’ Responses to the Demise of the GDR, in W. Niven and J. Jordan (eds), Politics and Culture in Twentieth-Century Germany, Camden House, 2003, 163-183

German Lawyers and Globalisation, German Life and Letters, 2/58, 2005, 211-225

Notaries in Central Europe: Transformation as Reprofessionalisation, Notarius International, vol. 9, 3-4/2004, 136-152

Hedwig Dohm (1831-1919). Frauenrechtlerin und Schriftstellerin: ‘.. und so war sie die geworden, die sie eben war’, in Ulrike Schultz (ed.), Frauenbilder. Reader, Düsseldorf, 2005, 16-22 (

La solidarité interprofessionnelle pèsera dans la balance, interview with Paroles d’experts. Le Magazine des Experts-Comptables de Rhne-Alpes, no. 36, June 2006, 18-19

Notariat in Europe. Eine Zwischenbilanz oder: eine lange Geschichte ohne Ende?, Zeitschrift für die NotarPraxis, 1/2006, 8-18

Notaries in England and Wales: what future in a climate of globalisation?, Notarius International, 1-2/2006, 38-58; access (in English, French and Spanish) at

Notaires in France - an unassailable profession? Or are they?, International Journal of the Legal Profession, 3/13, 2006, 243-271

Les professions libérales ne sont pas des entreprises comme les autres: une perspective sociohistorique/socioculturelle / The Liberal Professions - A Very Special Type of “Undertaking”: a socio-historical/socio-cultural perspective, in: Conseil régional Rhône-Alpes de l’Ordre des experts comptables (ed.), Le marché européen: un enjeu pour les professions libérales. The European Market: an issue for the European professions, Lamy, 2007, 97-116; access at (go to ‘Publications de l’Ordre’, then ‘Documents’); English version also in: Droit et Patrimoine, no. 153, November 2006, 52-58

Civil Law Notaries and the Challenge of Liberalisation: the case of France, in Fred Bruinsma and David Nelken (eds), Explorations in Legal Culture, special issue of Recht der Werkelijkheid, 2007, 95-112

Les notaires: une profession entre Etat et Marché, in Le Droit et l’Economie, 38e Congrès Mouvement Jeune Notariat, San Francisco, 18-24 novembre 2007, 158-180,

Return to Europe - A double-edged sword for notaries? The case of Poland and Hungary, Communist and Post-Communist Studies 42 (2009), 395-422 (

Notaries in Central Europe: from state employment to professional independence - a rocky path, in Alberto Febbrajo and Wojciech Sadurski (eds), Central and Eastern Europe after Transition. Towards a New Socio-Legal Semantics, Ashgate, 2010, 255-75
Notarinnen in der DDR, Zeitschrift des Deutschen Juristinnenbundes, 15 (2012), 3-9

ommitted in the German Democratic Republic, Svensk Juristtidning, 83/1998, 444-463

Notaries in England and Wales: modernising a profession frozen in time, International Journal of the Legal Profession, 2/7, 2000, 141-155

’Keine Macht, aber Spielraum’: Brigitte Burmeisters Roman Unter dem Namen Norma, in C. Flanagan and S. Taberner (eds), 1949/1989. Cultural Perspectives on Division and Unity in East and West, Rodopi, 2000

‘Keine Chance, mich auf Distanz zu halten: Ruth Rehmann, the Reluctant Autobiographer’, in M P Davies, B Linklater, G Shaw (eds), Autobiography by Women in German, Peter Lang, 2000, 213-227

Theodor Gottlieb von Hippel (1741-1796) als Wegbereiter der Frauenbewegung in Deutschland: ‘Lachender Philosoph’ oder ‘Prophet’?, German Life and Letters, 4/54, 2001, 273-290

Schriftstellerinnen und die deutsche Einheit: Leben ohne Utopie, Frauenvorträge an der FernUniversität 39, Hagen, 2002 (

Women Lawyers in the New Federal States of Germany, in U. Schultz and G. Shaw (eds), Women in the World’s Legal Professions, Hart, 2003, 323-339

Rechtsschutz von Frauen für Frauen: ein kühnes Projekt der ersten deutschen Frauenbewegung, in Ministerium Gesundheit, Soziales, Frauen und Familie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (ed), Frauen und Recht. Reader, Basis-Druck, 2003, 76—81

The German Notariat and the European Challenge, International Journal of the Legal Profession, 1/10, 2003, 37-54

Conflicting agendas: the first female jurists in Germany, International Journal of the Legal Profession, 2/10, 2003, 177-191

‘(…) ein tausendjähriges Unrecht wieder gut machen’: Women and the German Civil Code, in W J Jones, W A Kelly and F Shaw (eds), ‘Vir ingenio mirandus. Studies presented to John L Flood, vol. II, Kümmerle Verlag, 2003, 1039-1053

Living without Utopia: Four Women Writers’ Responses to the Demise of the GDR, in W. Niven and J. Jordan (eds), Politics and Culture in Twentieth-Century Germany, Camden House, 2003, 163-183

German Lawyers and Globalisation, German Life and Letters, 2/58, 2005, 211-225

Notaries in Central Europe: Transformation as Reprofessionalisation, Notarius International, vol. 9, 3-4/2004, 136-152

Hedwig Dohm (1831-1919). Frauenrechtlerin und Schriftstellerin: ‘.. und so war sie die geworden, die sie eben war’, in Ulrike Schultz (ed.), Frauenbilder. Reader, Düsseldorf, 2005, 16-22 (

La solidarité interprofessionnelle pèsera dans la balance, interview with Paroles d’experts. Le Magazine des Experts-Comptables de Rhne-Alpes, no. 36, June 2006, 18-19

Notariat in Europe. Eine Zwischenbilanz oder: eine lange Geschichte ohne Ende?, Zeitschrift für die NotarPraxis, 1/2006, 8-18

Notaries in England and Wales: what future in a climate of globalisation?, Notarius International, 1-2/2006, 38-58; access (in English, French and Spanish) at

Notaires in France - an unassailable profession? Or are they?, International Journal of the Legal Profession, 3/13, 2006, 243-271

Les professions libérales ne sont pas des entreprises comme les autres: une perspective sociohistorique/socioculturelle / The Liberal Professions - A Very Special Type of “Undertaking”: a socio-historical/socio-cultural perspective, in: Conseil régional Rhône-Alpes de l’Ordre des experts comptables (ed.), Le marché européen: un enjeu pour les professions libérales. The European Market: an issue for the European professions, Lamy, 2007, 97-116; access at (go to ‘Publications de l’Ordre’, then ‘Documents’); English version also in: Droit et Patrimoine, no. 153, November 2006, 52-58

Civil Law Notaries and the Challenge of Liberalisation: the case of France, in Fred Bruinsma and David Nelken (eds), Explorations in Legal Culture, special issue of Recht der Werkelijkheid, 2007, 95-112

Les notaires: une profession entre Etat et Marché, in Le Droit et l’Economie, 38e Congrès Mouvement Jeune Notariat, San Francisco, 18-24 novembre 2007, 158-180,

Return to Europe - A double-edged sword for notaries? The case of Poland and Hungary, Communist and Post-Communist Studies 42 (2009), 395-422 (

Notaries in Central Europe: from state employment to professional independence - a rocky path, in Alberto Febbrajo and Wojciech Sadurski (eds), Central and Eastern Europe after Transition. Towards a New Socio-Legal Semantics, Ashgate, 2010, 255-75

Notarinnen in der DDR, Zeitschrift des Deutschen Juristinnenbundes, 15 (2012), 3-9

